Pre-prints (Under Review)
From Vocal Instructions to Household Tasks: The Inria Tiago++ in the euROBIN Service Robots Coopetition
Fabio Amadio*,
Clemente Donoso*,
Dionis Totsila*,
Raphael Lorenzo,
Quentin Rouxel,
Olivier Rochel,
Enrico Mingo Hoffman,
Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
Serena Ivaldi
(* indicates equal contribution)
(* indicates equal contribution)
IEEE Robotics and Automation Practice (RA-P)
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
Sensorimotor Learning with Stability Guarantees via Autonomous Neural Dynamic Policies
Dionis Totsila ,
Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis,
Valerio Modugno,
Denis Hadjivelichkov, and
Dimitrios Kanoulas.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
RobotDART: a versatile robot simulator for robotics and machine learning researchers
Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis, Dionis Totsila, and Jean-Baptiste Mouret.
Journal of Open Source Software
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
Words2Contact: Identifying Support Contacts from Verbal Instructions Using Foundation Models
Dionis Totsila, Quentin Rouxel, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, and Serena Ivaldi
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2024